
think before you tattoo

Posted in art, arts of the sailor, hudson river, tattoos by bowsprite on 2011/04/26

Elizabeth, of Green My Bodega, loves the Hudson River: “I thought of getting a tattoo of the Hudson River that ran along the length of my leg. But then I realized it would look like a giant varicose vein.”

Join her and many others at the Festival of Ideas for the New City,  May 4 – 8, at happenings around the city. Green My Bodega and Foodshed Market‘s Mapping Present and Imagined Food Systems will be at the StreetFest on Saturday, May 7th from 11:00am – 7:00pm.  It is “A presentation of posters, maps, and illustrations visualizing aspects of our present and imagining the potential regional food system.” Here are two designs that were submitted:

pier 76

Posted in hudson river, pier, towing pound by bowsprite on 2011/01/23

Pier 76 has a rich history associated with some beautiful ships:

the United States, the Leviathan, the America and many others.
Here are the current visiting hours.

I haven’t been inside yet. Guess I’ve been lucky so far with my vehicle.

Sorry to say: it seems towing vehicles is sometimes a city revenue generator. Friends’ cars parked in seemingly solid spots have been towed. Police and ticketing agents around a section where a car was towed away have been apologetic and absolutely unable to verify whether the space was a parking violation zone. NO signs are around to indicate the car will be towed; it does seem arbitrary: who you get that day. The BermudaTriangle area is at the Battery. Be warned. If it happens to you, I’m sorry. Don’t lose your cool. Bring a sketchpad to the Pound.

Here is the original sketch done at the site:

clearwater’s great hudson river revival 2010

This weekend: Clearwater’s Great Hudson River Revival 2010
A musical and environmental festival; the venue looks amazing!

Uglyships has its Flashbacks, BibliOdyssey has its Image Dumps. Here is mine, for John Sperr’s old Instant Button Machine in the Dutchess Outreach booth this weekend. He asked for a few images to represent river and harbor activity, so I collected a few together. I have to draw more tugs! According to Roberta Weisbrod, since 1991, there is a 37% increase of tugs operating in NYHarbor. Taurus is foist on the list!

All artwork is ©2010, but is available upon request for altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, charitable, eleemosynary, good, humanistic, philanthropic, public-spirited causes, and for birthdays and ship anniversaries.

ice boating on the hudson, the wreck of Galatea

Posted in hudson river, ice, ice boating, wreck by bowsprite on 2010/02/10

Frogma, Tugster, Hudsonian and Bowsprite walked into a bar…but before that, well, best to read it on Tugster and Frogma!

I cannot say enough what luxury it is when, should a boat break beneath you, you can walk around it’s splintered cockpit, lay out the mast and boom on the surface over which you were just sailing swiftly over, and unbend sails while folks walk over to the boat to help. And such a warm group! Many thanks to everyone at Tivoli Bay and to John Sperr of the Hudson River Ice Yachts Club, for an exhilarating day—really much more adventure than expected!

Tip: while unrigging a broken boat, keep your lines free of shackles and blocks as you will need the ropes to ‘field dress’ your boat to push back to shore.